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The Summer of Films: Iron Man

May 7, 2008

To the first blockbuster of the summer last night – Iron Man. Not going to delve too much into this as I promised the Lady Jayne I’d not do spoilers. But it’s ace. And it’s apparently quite faithful to the comic, although of course I wouldn’t know. RDJ is soooo sexy (it’s all about the older guys atm), he’s uber cool and has some wicked one-liners (and not in a wanker way). Heck, even I want to be him. Gwyneth isn’t nearly as annoying as she seems to be in real life, and they have good chemistry. Oh, and do stay to the end of the credits, folks. That is all.

Not sure if every cinema gets the same roll of film, but just got to mention the cute little short we had just before the trailers. It’s called Procrastination (I think) and although it’s not exactly an original concept, it’s really cute. I loved the style (you’re looking up at a piece of paper, through some glass, as the animator draws on it). And it pretty much sums up how BM has been feeling over the last few weeks. There’s always something I have to do before I build those shelves. Or unpack. I’m sure I’ll get used to it eventually…

Also (on an entirely different planet it seems) finally caught the Sex and the City trailer this morning. God, it’s terrible – the trailer I mean. Why do female-oriented films always have that dude with the deep voice as a VO (I think his name is Red)? It made the film seem like some kind of wank romantic comedy (which, yes, it essentially is I suppose) starring Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz getting themselves into hiillllaaarrrious consequences after a few too many tipples. Or *ha ha* Anne Hathaway and her myriad bridesmaid dresses, who meets the love of her life when he writes an article on how miserable and single she is! Or *guphaw* Kate Hudson trying to lose a man in ten days.

No. SATC is not one of those. It’s not a stupid, vacuous aren’t-we-all-tragically-single-until-a-suave-man-comes-along-and-saves-us comedy. It’s about empowerment. It’s about strong sexy women. And ultimately, it’s about love – the love between four best friends. No stupid deep-voiced commentary needed thank you very much.

One Comment leave one →
  1. May 13, 2008 2:48 pm

    I thought SATC was about four ugly anorexic hags fucking their way through the entire male population of Manhattan, including tramps? Oh, and talking about shoes, of course.


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